
Mostrando las entradas de enero, 2022


  Write three paragraphs about Matt’s dilemma in the Photo Story on page 111 .  In the fi rst paragraph, summarize the situation. In the second paragraph, write about what Matt could or should do. In the third paragraph, write what you would do if you were Matt. Explain your reasons, using the unreal conditional .


  Discuss acts of kindness and honesty .   Read pgae 118 and do activities A, B,C.               Look at the headlines of the three news stories. In what way do you think the stories will be similar?   ook at the headlines of the three news stories. In what way do you think the stories will be similar?


Write at least two paragraphs about the personality of someone you know well. Use the following vocabulary and ideas.  a. Is this person an introvert, an extrovert, or a mixture of both?  b. What is his or her birth order in the family—first or only child, middle child, or youngest?  c. What three adjectives best describe this person?  Where do you think his or her personality comes from—from “nature” or more from “nurture”? Explain your answer.  

Health matters

Write a paragraph on the following topic: Do you think people are eating healthier or less healthy food than they used to? Give examples to support your opinion. Lifestyles before: ___________ Lifestyles now: _________________   Better or worse? _____________Why? _____________ Now write a first draft of the paragraph.


 ASSIGNMENT:: Write about one of the interesting experiences you talked  1. PREWRITING Choose one of the experiences. Take notes below.  when: ______________________________________________________________  where: ______________________________________________________________  who were you with: ____________________________________________________  what happened: _______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________  how did you feel: _______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________  2. WRITING Write a first draft of the paragraph.