ASSIGNMENT:: Write about one of the interesting experiences you talked
1. PREWRITING Choose one of the experiences. Take notes below.
when: ______________________________________________________________
where: ______________________________________________________________
who were you with: ____________________________________________________
what happened: _______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________
how did you feel: _______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________
2. WRITING Write a first draft of the paragraph.
ResponderBorrarI'm going to tell you about my experience that I lived a few years ago. When I was 15 years old we went with some friends to camp on the hill imbabura, we had everything planned because we went to sleep in that place and return home the next day, When we were all sleeping we heard a noise through the forest and we thought it was an animal that made us attack but then we came to see what happened and we could see what was a large plastic cover that sounded very loud from the wind, it was a very interesting and fun experience because in the end we all started laughing knowing that it was a cover and not an animal.
When I traveled with my family to Mompiche it was a Christmas day, we saw many things like a play, we danced a lot in a disco and ate everything we could, we went to see the whales in the sea, it was an incredible experience, I was very happy because I had never gone on a trip and be in a luxurious place.
ResponderBorrarOn the first of May 2020 I was going home but my boyfriend told me that he takes me on the motorcycle that he bought, I told him many times no, and he said let's go on the bike, again I said let's go by bus I pay the tickets and he did not pay attention, then we went at about seven in the morning to be early in Tabacundo which is where I live when we were traveling on the bike my boyfriend stops to take some pictures and he put the helmet on me in the right way, When we were about to arrive in Cayambe we had an accident, at that moment I flew off the top of my boyfriend and fell into a ditch, there I closed my eyes and saw my family and quickly opened my eyes and my boyfriend was next to me scared, to see that we were well I looked for a truck to fix the bike because the blow damaged the steering wheel, they fixed it but it was expensive for the motorcycle trip. When I arrived with my parents I felt scared but I could not say anything because I was afraid that they would yell at me, after visiting my parents we returned to Ibarra and we were so afraid to return on the motorcycle that we made a 3-hour trip.
Andres Ormaza
ResponderBorrarI am going to tell about an experience of mine that happened to me a few years ago where I went with my family on a trip to the beach and during the trip we had a flat tire and we had to walk with my cousin for several minutes to find a vulcanizer. somewhat tired but a new and fun experience because I got to know my cousin better
Camila Salome Arciniega Echeverria
ResponderBorrarI had an experience last vacation with my family, it was in September 2021 and we decided to go to the beach the 12 members of my family. We were very excited because we like to spend time with the family, the first day we arrived and had a lot of fun, then the second day something very sad happened to us, my grandfather fell into the sand, we had to take him to the hospital but in another city different from the one we were, my uncles and dad left with him, and I had to stay at the hotel with my sister and my cousins.
Then they returned to the hotel and there they told us that my grandfather fractured his wrist and had to plaster his arm. That day we went to sleep and we felt quite sad about what happened and the next day we had to return to our city because my grandfather feel a lot of pain in his wrist, we all arrived well at our homes but it was an experience that we did not want to live again.
I am going to tell you about my first trip to the United States. This travel was in 2018 I traveled to Manhattan New York with my father and Sister. my first impression was from the airplane because I can see all city and the buildings are awesomes. The first day I went to my hotel called Burlintong in the center of the city and the another days I knowed all the city and the turistic places. I felt very happy and amazed to know this city where I saw it in movies
ResponderBorrarI'm going to tell you about an experience I had three months ago, I had not been to visit my grandmother for a long time, I had not seen her for 3 years for study reasons, however three months ago, I decided with my boyfriend to travel and see her, it was a very beautiful experience full of happy emotions, my grandmother received me with a big smile and for a moment she had tears in her eyes, She was able to meet my boyfriend, that day we managed to go hiking, to a very famous ravine in the place called Gualchan is a very touristy place and has beautiful views, it also has a beautiful river in which we swam all day and fished, it was a very beautiful experience that I would like to repeat.
I am going to tell you about an experience I had a few years ago. When she was 9 years old we went with some cousins to swim in Laguna San Pablo, she was very nervous because in a few weeks she had learned to swim. But my cousins, on the other hand, did very well, one of them won several medals in competitions. When I got in, the water was too cold. However, I ended up getting used to it and as I walked away from the shore my arms went numb. Realizing what was about to happen, my cousins quickly helped me out of the water. It was really scary.
ResponderBorrar- Fernando Pineda -
William Andrés Armas Medina
ResponderBorrarI am going to tell you about a very interesting experience, when I was traveling in another country, due to an emergency I took a taxi from the beach to the hotel without knowing the cost, during the trip I asked the cofer about the value of the trip and He didn't want to tell me, until we got to the hotel and he told me it was 140 dollars, which was very expensive for a 30-minute trip, and besides, he didn't have that cash, so the hotel helped me reduce the price to 120. dollars and we had and collect all the money to cancel the taxi and we were left with no money.
Steve Alexander Mejía Suarez
ResponderBorrarTwo years ago before the pandemic, I had the opportunity to participate in a Latin American youth dance meeting, Trip to Panama in September 2019 with my dance partner, we stayed fifteen days and during that time we got to know almost the entire country, I made many friends, and in a city called Chiriqui, we were recognized as the country with the best folklore, followed by Peru, it was an unforgettable experience, I felt very excited to represent my country in that way, I hope the pandemic passes so I can attend these events again.
When I was 16 years old, I went on vacation with my whole family to salinas, we spent 1 week in salinas, we stayed, we went to the beach and we visited many parks. I remember that on the beach we got on a boat with my cousin that made us go around the sea, it scared me but it was very beautiful. I felt very happy because I was on vacation with my cousins, uncles, aunts, brother and my parents. It was one of the best experiences and I would like to go again because that was the last time I went to Salinas beach.
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ResponderBorrarJhoseline Leticia Cordova Pineda
ResponderBorrarWhen I was 9 years old, I met Atacames, it was a wonderful experience, I was accompanied by my father and my sister, I got to know the sea, we visited the zoo, we went to enjoy their exquisite delicious dishes, it was an incredible place, we enjoyed the sound of the sea and the warm and wonderful atmosphere, until today I can remember the incredible landscape that it has, I really felt happy with the desire to revisit that wonderful place with my family, I hope that soon I will make that beautiful trip again.
I'am Carlos Vasquez
ResponderBorrarOne of the best experiences I have had was when I lived in the United States,
we were visiting the Empire State Building, the experience of being able to see the entire city was unique, I lived this with my brothers and parents,
The funny thing about all this is when we left the visit our car had been towed because we parked in a prohibited place and we thought that they robbed us and we searched the whole block and in truth they had towed us
hahaha it was a unique experience.
ResponderBorrarI am going to tell about an experience that happened two years ago, it is very beautiful and the most important of my life, the birth of my daughter, it was a very beautiful moment and full of many emotions, it is a unique experience and I felt very anxious to know to my girl and that's when I discovered love at first sight, it's something wonderful, I lived this experience with my husband and with my whole family, we were all waiting to meet her to fill her with a lot of love and affection, today that little person He gives us a lot of love and is the best of our lives. My husband was at the birth of our daughter, the first thing he did when he saw her was cry with happiness just like me, when we left the delivery room our whole family wanted to look at her and mark her to meet her, it was very nice.
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ResponderBorrarEstévez Palacios Sebastián Gustavo
ResponderBorrarI´m going to tell you about an experience that happened to me a few months ago, where i went on a trip with most of my cousins, we went to a place called the Pailon ,it is an extremely big and beautiful waterfall and touristy at the same time visited by many people, at the moment of passing under the waterfall we decided to take some pictures but when we separated one of my cousins almost fell into the void it was extremely desperate and it was a terrible experience , we were all very afraid ,it was a nice ride, but it serves as an experience and not to trust so much, because the danger that can be run is extremely great.
Cristian Fernando Espinosa Cevallos
ResponderBorrarI am going to tell my story, I remember that day, because it was four years ago, that day I was going to the USA with my mother, we were going to visit my older brother, he is a pilot, but the experience is that I am a great fan of aviation, so when we took the flight and when we arrived in Miami I decided to ask the pilots if I can visit the cabin, they said yes and they were very nice to me, they explained to me about the plane and aviation things that day I am a big fan of the aviation. I felt very special lucky for the opportunity they gave me
Bryan Hemiro Tugumbango Siza
ResponderBorrarI’m going to tell you my experience that I lived when I was 16 years old. This happened when we were returning from a presentation in Colombia and we were with all my colleagues from the orchestra in the bus. We were returning very tired sleeping during the trip when suddenly we heard some very strange noises from the bus and we all woke up scared. When we got out to check the bus we saw that the rear tires had exploded because he had left some nails in the street so that the cars could not pass and be stolen, but we were lucky and nothing happened to us and we were able to return to our homes. For me it was a frightening and at the same time scary experience, but along the way I calmed down.
Edison Xavier Mina Garcia.
ResponderBorrarI'll tell you about a fun experience I had. It was 2 years ago. We plan a bike ride from Ibarra to Urcuquí. 5 friends and I left at 5am and arrived at our destination at 8am. On the way back we passed through a field to shorten the path and it turned out that it was full of thorns and our tires were damaged. Since we had no spare parts, we had to walk back. It was very tiring but we had a great time. We would have taken a car to return, but we preferred to walk because it was not long before Ibarra.
Anthony Armas
ResponderBorrarIn 2019 in the atacames citu with my colleagues from the University, we went to a conference and trip at the same time, we shared pleasant moments in this aventure, we were able to learn another perspective of our teachers, at the end of the trip I felt happy to have learned more about law and met new people to be friends
Hi guys, I'm Nayelhi Benavides, and today I'm going to tell you a very exciting experience that I lived in 2016, with 16 years old I joined the music club of my school where I discovered that I loved playing the violin, and thanks to the support of my parents I could enter calcica music classes being part of the youth orchestra of my province Carchi, every day I learned new things, I met wonderful people who have become my friends. Very talented teachers who always support me, and I was able to have incredible presentations inside and outside the country, but undoubtedly the one that I liked the most was when together with the entire Youth Orchestra of Carchi we were invited to give a concert at the Teatro Nacional Sucre, one of the oldest theaters in South America and the city of Quito, as well as the most prestigious theater in Ecuador. Without a doubt it was a beautiful experience, there were many people and everyone applauded us and asked for more songs, undoubtedly one of the best experiences of my life.
ResponderBorrarI am going to tell about my experience of studying at a university far from my hometown. I graduated when I was 18 years old and was able to obtain a place at the University of the Armed Forces- ESPE for the career of Geographic and Environmental Engineering, my university life began in October 2015 where I had to get used to living alone far from me family, I felt scared because I am not good at making friends, I am a very introverted person but going to study in another city, with other people made me a more social person, I was able to make great friends, I became more independent but above all I was able to see new places thanks to the academic tours that my career had, I met places like Puerto Lopez, Puyo, Riobamba where I climbed the Chimborazo volcano, I felt very happy because for the first time I met the snow and ESPE gave me great moments and knowledge too, unfortunately due to the economic situation in which I was, I cannot continue studying there and I cannot live in Quito either, for this reason I decided to return to where I used to live before yes but I have great moments with which I remember very happy and proud of myself for everything I achieve
ResponderBorrarWhen I was 13 years old, we went with my family to visit Tena, at Christmas, we walked through the Misahullí port and from afar we saw some monkeys, who walked along the banks of the river, people gave them food and took pictures with them. My younger brother, as he was very curious, maybe went to play and they began to jump and take the food he had in his hands and climb trees, it was a very fun day, I felt very happy to share that fun experience with my family.
After all that we went to some beautiful waterfalls and to eat the typical dishes of the place and with that I conclude my adventure.
Mariana de Jesús Ipiales Apuango
ResponderBorrarMy family and I went with some family friends to Esmeraldas 5 months ago. We went swimming in the river and stayed there for three days. When night came we were very scared because many ants entered the room, we were scared because we were sleeping on the floor with mattresses. It is worth mentioning that we stayed to sleep in some cabins. My parents' friends came in to see what was going on and realized that someone had put food in. That was the problem, the food attracted the ants to our room. Then we all laughed but at first we were very scared.
Henry Bastidas
ResponderBorrarA long time ago, I had an experience. When I was a child we went with my family for a walk to the Las Lajas church, I was very scared because I had never traveled so far. but my family had already known the place and some hot springs very close to there. but when I entered a pool the water was too hot. However, I ended up getting used to it and the more I swam I realized that the warm water made you float more easily, even swimming in the water was impossible. It was something extraordinary that I have never experienced before.
Karol Stefany Morillo Criollo
ResponderBorrarThe best experience I had was when, during the vacations of the previous semester, I traveled to the East to the city of Puyo with my boyfriend's family, we went to visit a viewpoint called Indichuris, it was a wonderful experience because we could see a beautiful sunset and also there were extreme games, I decided to try a game in which I had to sit on a swing and they pushed me 25 meters high, it was a very terrifying experience but also fascinating, at that moment I was excited but at the same time terrified, but without a doubt I would like to return.
Name: Sofía Pabón
ResponderBorrarMy first experience was when I was 11 years old, I was in the sixth year of basic general education and I belonged to a soccer group in my Lita parish. We knew how to go out to play in other places, at that time our destination was the community of Santa Cecilia, we hired a bus and during the trip the bus lost its brakes and we crashed into a bridge, I felt desperate, nervous and even cried. It was my first accident and I felt that God gave me another chance at life.
I had an experience with my family when I went to the beach.
ResponderBorrarMy mom booked the hotel for all members, we were 5 people, the receptionist billed for 7 people, we didn't, we found out until we left the hotel.
A few days passed and we realized the mistake, because invoice that exceeded the price we had to pay arrived by mail. We contacted the hotel and at that time they did not want to serve us because it had been a long time, my mother contacted the general manager and solved us. At first we felt bad because it was too much money but after contacting the manager he helped us and apologized for the inconvenience and even gave us a discount for our next vacation.
Nathaly Chiluisa
BorrarI had an experience with my family when I went to the beach.
My mom booked the hotel for all members, we were 5 people, the receptionist billed for 7 people, we didn't, we found out until we left the hotel.
A few days passed and we realized the mistake, because invoice that exceeded the price we had to pay arrived by mail. We contacted the hotel and at that time they did not want to serve us because it had been a long time, my mother contacted the general manager and solved us. At first we felt bad because it was too much money but after contacting the manager he helped us and apologized for the inconvenience and even gave us a discount for our next vacation.
My name is Mireya Lisbeth Dorado
ResponderBorrarMy Experience
I am going to write a few lines about my experience that I spent with my family, friends and some acquaintances, I consider it to be one of the most important trips of my life. This happened a few years ago when I was 20 years old, that is, in 2015; We decided to spend a few days on vacation to the beautiful beaches of Manabí (Montañita), I consider that Manabí is one of the best tourist places that our country Ecuador has, spending a few days surrounded by people who love you, esteem you, was really wonderful, Knowing the most beautiful places with your family and friends is really unique. For the first time I got to know these beaches and you can experience the journey of looking at the beach from the air, it was really wonderful, although at the beginning I was a little afraid to get on a parachute but I did it, I consider it to be one of the best experiences on my vacations because I had never gotten on a parachute before and seen the beaches that our country has, I feel so lucky to have achieved it.
MY TRIP TO MANABI - Fuertes Grace
ResponderBorrarIt was when I was 19 years old, with my family and close friends we planned a trip to Manabi to the beaches of San Clemente, I remember that the trip lasted 4 days, and since we arrived at the hotel we took advantage of all the time to enjoy, the place was super comfortable, and the beaches were characterized by very strong waves.
When we had breakfast we divided into groups, most of the time I spent with my family, and when we had to do some tourist route in "San Jacinto" I went with my friends and we took photos in all the places, and we knew new beaches.
I remember that we met many natives of the city of Manabi and with tears in their eyes they told us about the horrible experience of the earthquake in 2016, many of them lost their homes and businesses, and it took many years to get up.
I felt very sad for them, but the people there have always been very united and humble, they helped each other and help came from many cities in the country for them.
But as for the walk, I really enjoyed it, it was one of my best experiences on the Ecuadorian coast, I was very happy to see incredible places.
I hope to return to Manabi...
Massiel Mancero
ResponderBorrarMy most interesting experience was when I traveled to Machu Picchu, I went in February 2018 with my family and it was an incredible trip, we had a guide who told us the stories that had happened in Machu Picchu, we took photos because were beautiful landscapes with animals called :llamas that ate the local grass, Machu Picchu is considered one of the eight wonders of the world and I felt very happy visiting this place but the hotel, I was in was very expensive and I did not feel so comfortable with the price because a night cost a thousand dollars per person but it was a hotel with excellent service and delicious food, very comfortable and clean to spend quietly when I was there in that hotel
Ashley Massiel Mancero Salcedo
ResponderBorrarWhen I was a child I lived in El Capulí, it was near the countryside and I had a little white dog. Once Max my dog and I went for a walk and we got lost in the forest, I was very scared and started to cry, my dog licked my face and then started to pull me by his leash and I decided to follow him, we left the forest and walked until we reached another forest where a machine sounded like the one my dad used to use. I don't deny that I was still scared and he started to run, when I followed him I managed to see my dad and I went back home with him. It has been 18 years since that incident, my dog died several years ago but I still think that my beloved dog was a hero or an angel in my life.
Max and I had many adventures while we were together but that will be a story for another day.
ResponderBorrarI am going to tell you about my experience 3 years ago, in the city of Pasto, Colombia in the black and white carnival, I traveled with my whole family, it was a super nice experience, I felt happy and comfortable, it is a very colorful proclamation around the city, you play only with cariocas and paintings, we also ate tray paisa by the way it is delicious, and at night we danced outside my aunt's house, the people there are very friendly.
ResponderBorrarMy interesting experience happened last year in August at Atacames beach. My friends and I decided to travel to the beach, the outward journey was fun and entertaining, however the reason for our trip was to parachute from the mountain. When we arrived at atacames we went to look for a hotel, we went to ask where we could parachute and after a while we arrived at the place, the activity cost 12 dollars, however, he gave us a discount of one dollar for being enough, in the end we all jumped and it was A beautiful and scary experience with a lot of adrenaline since I had never seen the beach fly from the air. The trip lasted 30 minutes in which I felt excited and happy to achieve the objective of the trip.
Last summer, I went to the United States with my parents. We visited some beautiful cities. A city that I really liked is called New York. We got to know many cultures and delicious foods. An experience was when we were in the hotel and the roof collapsed on us of our room due to lack of maintenance, we complained and the hotel as compensation gave us a luxury suite. I really enjoyed my trip to the USA, but I would still like to know other countries like Europe.
ResponderBorrarIn the vacations of the previous year, I had a nice experience with my friends, it was in December 2021 and we decided to go to see new places in Imbabura, we found several options, we decided to go to Cubilche, in total we went between 8 people, 4 friends and 4 friends. We were all very happy and excited to get to know the small Cubilche lagoons, we like to go hiking to new places, we love nature. We began to organize ourselves a few days in advance, we consulted how to get there, the meeting point was in Ibarra, then we traveled for about an hour, every time we got closer to the mountains the view was beautiful, we reached the trail, the day was great , we started the walk was a bit tired, we made some stops to rest, finally we arrived at the first lagoon with the surprise that it was dry, we were all disappointed, however we continued until the second lagoon, it was small and very pretty, there we also We met up with other friends where we could play volleyball, card games, and enjoy the privileged view.
That day we all felt very calm and happy to be able to reach the top and admire the lake of San Pablo and Laguna de Yahuarcocha, it was a unique experience where I felt very relaxed, being all day in the mountains.
Iván Steven Vallejo
ResponderBorrarI am going to write a little adventure with my friends about a year ago, it was a trip to nature in the "Cubliche" Crater, whit my friends Erick, Kevin, and I Steven they are my best friends, in this adventure they helped us to clear the mind a little of the problems that each one of us has, we made a campfire to then make a meal, we listened to music and went out to explore a little, then at night we set up the tent to later tell horror stories, with this trip I I felt free and de-stressed a bit. It was a tiring but fun experience.
Nicole Sarabia
ResponderBorrarWhen I went for a walk with my friends the last year, it was a wonderfull experience. We went to a Pimamapiro to a river. We were traveling in the car, it took us three hours to arrive, because the engine was damaged of the car, but my Friends fixed it quickly. In the travel, We were listening tu music and we singing. When we arrived, went to eating (we bring food). Later, we got into the river bank, because is very dangerous. We talked about por lives and what we planned to do in the future. At 4 p.m, we returned to Ibarra, we arrived in the night. This experience made me relax and de-stess from the cuty.
ResponderBorrarTwo years ago, I went to visit mi uncles in Cotopaxi. They live inside the Ilinizas Ecological Reserve, My stay in that place was one week, durind the trip I see the most beautiful natural escenaries, and I took many pictures. Our first stop was in Zumbahua, when us arrive to this city, us visit a lof of places, but the better place was the Quilotoa's lagoon. The tour from the center of Zumbahua to lagoon lasted half hour in motorcycle. Us arrived to a viewpoint and was terrific! The Quilotoa's Lagoon was recognized for its turquoise blue waters. My uncles, my cousins and me we decided to go down the path to the shore. Everything was nice, except for the walk to go up, because it was a very steep sand road, and we fell several times but finally we managed to reach the top.
Hello, my name is Jonathan Angulo and a got something to tell, I have traveled to italy for love... and that's the reason why a love that country i had met several beauty people despite the situation we were in, beacuase i arrived just when the pandemic started, but the experience was so incredible that it is dificult to describe it.
ResponderBorrarAlondra Estefania Méndez
ResponderBorrarIn 2018 I traveled with my cousin to the Province of El Oro, Cantón Piñas. It was certainly an unforgettable experience. We plan to travel as backpackers, aimlessly. We went to the Quito terminal, we took the first bus called TAC, we stayed at the last stop, we looked for a hotel and we went sightseeing.
We made many friends, we got to know several small towns and new cultures, without a doubt we had fun, I felt happy, liberal, and I realized that to get out of the routine it is not necessary to have much, but to go with the right person at the right time.
ResponderBorrarI had an experience on my last vacation when I traveled with my parents to Cuenca, about 1 year ago, we decided to go on a trip to Cuenca, because my dad's family lives in this city, we decided to go on a Friday to stay for a week in this city, we stayed in a hotel but this hotel was very different and interesting, that is, it was an old house arranged as a hotel, it had certain characteristics that made it typical of the city, such as the names of the rooms and the food they served, We stayed one day at the hotel to rest from the trip, then we visited my father's family, who took us to see the city, we took a special tour, we got to know many places and tried very different foods from what we were used to, I remember feeling very happy, because it was a very fun experience, knowing a new place, different people, different customs is very interesting, besides being with the family that we had not seen in a long time is very gratifying and exciting.
ResponderBorrarwhen I was 10 years old I started training chess it was a beautiful stage of my life because discovering a very interesting sport I practiced this sport for 10 years in which I represented my province Imbabura and my city Otavalo It was very interesting to know many cities of the country in the highlands and eastern coast of the country. In addition, I was able to enjoy the gastronomy and customs of the places where I played.
In 2008 I won the national championship in the city of machala it was a very important moment in my sports life, my family, coach and acquaintances were very happy
ResponderBorrarI am going to tell you about my experience of my first airplane trip to another country.
It was about 3 years ago, around January time. I traveled from the city of Quito to the United States, precisely to Orlando, a very beautiful city that left me amazed with everything in general, the trip I did with my family and we met many places, parks, tourist attractions and many things more.
It was simply a fantastic experience so to speak, I was amazed and would like to return.
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ResponderBorrarAna Julia
ResponderBorrarThanks for your comments.
Joseph Perugachi
ResponderBorrarI am going to tell you about my experience of my trip to another country.
It was the another year 2021 in september. I traveled to the city of Panama, precisely to city of Panama, a very beautiful city that left me amazed with everything in general, the trip I did with my family and we met many places, beach and many things more. It was amazed and would like to return.