Health matters
Write a paragraph on the following topic: Do you think people are eating healthier or less healthy food than they used to? Give examples to support your opinion.
Lifestyles before: ___________
Lifestyles now: _________________
Better or worse? _____________Why? _____________
Now write a first draft of the paragraph.
People nowadays have started to eat unhealthy foods, foods with a lot of fat which is too harmful to health. The food in the past was better because less condiments were used, there was not much processed food, and also the habits were different, nowadays they almost do not care anymore, sometimes because of lack of time, sometimes even because of laziness they resort to bad food.
ResponderBorrarPeople should think about changing their eating habits a little bit more, since they are based on processed or fried food for the most part.
ResponderBorrarMany times nowadays we do not eat as we should, breakfast, lunch and snack so at this time often do not have time, that's where we do not eat well and opt for fast food, lifestyles at this time many people are careful in food and exercise but on the other hand there are sedentary people, in my case I consider that I eat well because I usually do not eat junk food, or fast food because I spend more time at home and I eat what I prepare.
Henry Bastidas
ResponderBorrarDo you think people are eating healthier or less healthy food than they used to? Give examples to support your opinion.
- Lifestyles before: People used to eat better before, for example, they ate more vegetables and didn't eat a lot of junk food.
- Lifestyles now: People today, due to their lifestyle and tight schedules, often consume many fast foods such as hamburgers, fries, which damages their health.
Better or worse? worse I think. Why? because our health is deteriorated
Now write a first draft of the paragraph.
The food we eat every day determines many things in our body and how our body behaves during the day and night when carrying out activities such as working, studying and sleeping well at night. Healthy food helps our body and mind feel better, on the contrary, junk food will make us sick.
I believe that people today do not take care of their health or their diet and make excuses such as their work that at the time does not give them and that is why they tend to consume fast food or food that contains a lot of fat and that is why their health worsens.
ResponderBorrarBefore, housewives would wait for their family with food at home and with super healthy food or what the field provided.
now everyone works and there is no time, that is why they eat in places on the street where some do not have good hygiene, for me the food today is bad because it contains a lot of fat and does not contain vegetables or healthy things
ResponderBorrarFood and health have always been a very controversial issue in our lives, times ago people were fed mostly with grains and natural food grown by the same families, that food was very healthy because it did not have any fungicide or transngeneric, today most of the food is processed and has no nutritional value because people no longer grow their food, The lifestyle before was healthier because the food came directly from the field to the table, and was cooked naturally without fats or artificial seasonings, the current lifestyle as we all know is faster and therefore fast food to cattle territory, that is why today's food is not healthy because it uses many fats and condiments bad for health
Anthony Armas
ResponderBorrarI believe that in the last two years, people have been eating more healthy than before, in my opinion this is because we have more time to cook and eat due to the pandemic.
For example, before the pandemic we had to spend the whole day at university and were forced to eat junk food or simply not eat because we did not have enough time to do it.
On the other hand, now that we have online classes we have time to cook healthier meals and eat them calmly because we don’t have to worry about being late.
Jhoseline Leticia Cordova Pineda
ResponderBorrarI believe that today people eat less healthy food since now there are many things in which they throw up junk or use a lot of condiments, for example French fries, fried foods, chitos, the lifestyles of before were healthier since ko All this existed there, they vomit vegetables, degrees and food from the countryside, now it is another style where all the food is with a lot of condiments, it is less healthy than before
ResponderBorrarIn my opinion people used to eat healthier, since there was no great abundance of junk food and they were dedicated to eating well, and eating a balanced diet.
People today do not eat well, since we only eat junk food, and we do not eat a balanced diet according to our age, for example at lunchtime we eat something fast like a hamburger or a pizza, which is not healthy or good like vegetable soups or fruits. In addition, we do not spend time exercising our body to avoid contracting diseases such as obesity.From my point of view, the issue of health and food has improved, since due to the pandemic people have begun to take care of their body and their diet to avoid contracting diseases.
ResponderBorrarNowadays, people's lifestyles have changed a lot especially if we talk about the way of eating, one of the clearest examples is that with the passage of time junk food has become more popular in the different food markets, as opposed to the way of eating used to which was about consuming products that were mostly organic and without so many chemicals. I personally believe used to, the way of eating was much better because we could consume quality products with great nutritional benefits, and thanks to the consumption of these foods we could ensure a healthier future.
ResponderBorrarWell, in my opinion, I think that before people ate better because there was not as much fast food as there is today because today people no longer have time to cook, they prefer to eat outside than cook for themselves and these are habits bad that many of us are used to today but we must take into account that thanks to conferences, people are trying to improve their quality of life such as going for a run, walking, going to the gym or eating healthy but to be honest I think this It depends on each one of us since we are responsible for taking care of ourselves, but not everyone does it because they prefer to have an easier life and prefer not to make an effort or have discipline to improve their quality of life.
Lifestyles before: As an example I can put my grandparents and my parents, and in them you can see that the diet before was healthier, and careful, my mother who says that she ate a lot of vegetable soup and from time to time My grandmother gave them some dessert, the food from before was healthy like: broccoli, beans, carrots, vegetable soups and more, that's why the children of that time grew up without health complications.
Lifestyles of today: At present, people have become vulnerable to what is easy and fast in several aspects, and if we refer to food, there are very few people who eat in a correct and healthy way, I can mention several aspects relevant in the current style for example:
Most people choose to eat fast or junk food such as: pizza, hamburgers, hot dogs, snacks, sweets, cakes and sodas.
It is very dangerous that this type of diet becomes routine as it will affect your health over time.
In my opinion, I think that we are eating in the worst way, that is, it is not bad to eat fast or junk food, but we must set limits since in the future it will strongly affect our health.
There are few people who have good eating habits among them are:
-Correct meal times.
-Type of food varied in the week.
-In addition to this, many people practice some sport or exercise.
-Drink water every day
Although they are difficult habits to follow due to lack of will, it is the best strategy to stay healthy.
Camila Salome Arciniega Echeverria
ResponderBorrarI think eating habits have changed over time and people before had a better lifestyle ate more healthy food, which is why some older people still live very healthy. On the other hand, eating habits are currently less healthy for several reasons, for example people prefer fast food, we consume fewer natural products and more processed foods. That's why nowadays we must change our lifestyle and not prefer how comfortable, fast and cheap, we should consume more fruits and natural foods.
I think that today we eat safer, but less healthy, because today there are too many less healthy foods and eating healthy is not as easy as we would like due to the existence of soft drinks, chips, high-fat sauces, alcoholic beverages, meats, pizza and other fast foods.
ResponderBorrarBefore, lifestyles were healthier because people ate soups made with planted products such as: quinoa, corn, mellocos and other crops, exercised and left home. Today's lifestyle is fatal, because most people prefer to eat outside the home rather than make their own food, they prefer to eat fast food before already mentioned and these contain high calories that affect our physical health, spend most of the time locked in their rooms and prefer to be on social networks all day and not exercise.
Health today is poor, because we do not consume a variety of foods such as fruits and vegetables in abundance.
Health is very important, today I think that food has changed a lot and I think that for the better since with this pandemic we learn to eat healthy so that our health is not vulnerable, we learned to exercise and contribute to better conditions for our body , we made it stronger to resist this virus, it is very important to eat healthy to have many defenses and take care of this disease that attacked us a lot, I think that the diet before was not adequate since we ate many fast foods that have nothing of nutrients for our body, today we consume food rich in nutrients such as nuts that are rich and very good for our body.
ResponderBorrarHealth is very important, today I think that food has changed a lot and I think that for the better since with this pandemic we learn to eat healthy so that our health is not vulnerable, we learned to exercise and contribute to better conditions for our body , we made it stronger to resist this virus, it is very important to eat healthy to have many defenses and take care of this disease that attacked us a lot, I think that the diet before was not adequate since we ate many fast foods that have nothing of nutrients for our body, today we consume food rich in nutrients such as nuts that are rich and very good for our body.
Iván Steven Vallejo
ResponderBorrarBefore, people ate much better than now, the food was healthy and natural, made by older people, for me that food was very nutritious and healthy compared to today's.Currently, most people are not used to eating well, we do not eat properly, in my case I do not eat breakfast most of the time, it is a habit that I have to change, so at this time many times we do not have time either because of university or work we do not eat well and we opt for fast food, lifestyles in this time many people are careful about eating and exercising but on the other hand there are people who take great care of their figure and love it be in the gym all day.
Lifestyles before: I think that used to people didn't take care of their food or their physique, that is to say that before they ate more junk food than now.
ResponderBorrarLifestyles now: Now I think that people take more care of food due to the pandemic we are experiencing, people have started to exercise, eat healthy, and take an interest in having a healthy life.
I think that now we have everything, some people eat more healthy foods than used to and others eat less healthy, but with all the surveys and the quarantine that we had to go through, I am very sure that the lifestyle of now has been better, the Most people eat healthy to have defenses and vitamins in their body and not get infected.
Edison Xavier Mina García
ResponderBorrarThe food of before consisted a lot of the resources that nature could offer, before people used to feed on animals that they raised in pens such as chickens, sheep and pigs. They also used to eat what they got from agriculture, such as barley, wheat, grains, vegetables, and fruits. Currently, food depends a lot on industrial processes, so it is not as natural as before. Now the food is less nutritious than we used to eat it before. It is unhealthy, high in fat and low in nutrients. It is better to have a balanced diet as our grandparents used to eat and to have good health.
ResponderBorrarI think that people today try to eat healthier because they try to copy the lifestyle of other countries
The desire to maintain a healthy diet has remained in the consumer's mind with greater or lesser force: However, what he understands by healthy eating has changed as he has been learning and even more so today with the appearance of super-informed consumer
COVID 19 has taught us that eating healthy is very important for people to overcome this disease
Since, as I already mentioned, we try to copy other cultures and improve our eating style, but many times the type of life we have does not allow it.
Since people read and at the time of reading they are informed about the topic of eating healthy, now it is important to stay healthy and people more than anything else do it because of their tendency,
The lifestyle before was very good, people ate a lot of vegetables, healthy food, they didn't eat a lot of junk food, their diet was based on pure, healthy and clean proteins, carbohydrates harvested by themselves. The food used to be excellent and of good quality and that is why hardly anyone got sick.
ResponderBorrarWith the current lifestyle, the same does not happen, because now there is a lot of junk food, fried foods, they do not eat vegetables, some people do not eat fruits or carbohydrates because they think they are bad when they are not, everyone thinks that because they do not have time If you prepare your own food, the best option is fast food, a hamburger, some French fries, and that is not the case, which is why obesity has risen in an extreme way in recent years.
We must be aware of how we feed ourselves because our future, our life and our health will depend on it, we must take care of ourselves and do a little exercise.
Nathaly Chiluisa
ResponderBorrarIn my opinion, today people eat less healthy because before there were no processed products such as sweets, snacks, soft drinks, that's why people ate natural foods, that is, with products that they sowed and harvested themselves. Currently many people consume fast foods, processed foods which cause damage to health, therefore today sick and weak children are observed and all because of poor nutrition, this is because parents do not teach good eating habits to children. kids. In which today's children maintain a diet high in saturated fats and sugars. While in ancient times most people ate vegetables, foods rich in protein and vitamins.
These changes in people's diet are due to industrialization and globalization, since over time industrialized foods appear without vitamins or proteins and these foods are consumed by people because of their low cost and rapid preparation.
i'm the person who thinks thet the food is as importantant as the air, because trought it we can grow stronger and we can be more intelligent also, take care about the skin and more, i belive that all kinds of food is so important because it aports you energy and nutrient that at the en of the day you can thank for it, but if you want to preserv your skin and take better care of your body, it is advisable to start with a healty diet.
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ResponderBorrarI think that people from before ate better, for example before people got their food directly from their garden, natural and without so many chemicals that's why people didn't get sick easily. The food was homemade, not containing the non-seasoning sweeteners that meals have today.
ResponderBorrarThe people of before when they got sick they tried to cure themselves with natural medicine that they had on hand, accompanied by a good diet avoiding pills and syrups. Today people consume foods with transgenics, sweeteners, dyes and when they get sick from anything immediately ingest pills. The current situation is worse because our health is in decline and we are less and less strong before diseases.
My name is Mireya Dorado
ResponderBorrarIt is important to mention that it is a healthy diet, which establishes that a healthy diet is one that provides the nutrients that the body needs to maintain the proper functioning of the organism, preserve or restore health, minimize the risk of disease, guarantee reproduction, gestation, lactation, development and adequate growth. While less healthy foods is the opposite. From there the question starts; Currently I can establish that people consume mostly less healthy foods. Healthy eating includes leading a lifestyle suitable for the health and well-being of individuals. The lifestyle of people before was more adequate because they consumed foods rich in protein, carbohydrates, vegetables and fruits without chemicals, the food they prepared did not use artificial seasonings, they made it in a natural and organic way possible. His free time was walking from one place to another because at that time there was no technology to watch videos or play games on different technological devices. Currently the lifestyle we lead is less healthy because we consume processed foods, foods that contain fat, French fries and large amounts of processed condiments are used in food, it is often difficult to constantly carry out sports, perhaps due to time, work or any other type of difficulty. The change that we currently have as a society in terms of nutrition and an adequate lifestyle is evident, the right thing to do would be to start taking care of ourselves because our body is a temple which we must love, respect and above all eat and do sports, we must convert this in a daily habit for the well-being of us.
Steve Alexander Mejía Suarez
ResponderBorrarI think that before, people used to eat healthier, and that is why their state of health was better than what exists today, even diseases were not very common, like today.
My parents often say that they used to eat large amounts of food, but healthy, and it was necessary because the work in the fields was very heavy and they needed to eat a lot to last the whole day, that they did not take care of consuming carbohydrates or fats, and his health was very good.
but now the type of diet has changed and I think it is because of the lifestyle we lead, we no longer do much physical effort as before, now office jobs require a balanced diet so as not to consume excess calories that later cannot be burn
And I think that food has been changing according to the needs of people, before they ate healthy, free of chemicals in food, now there are many preservatives, and chemicals that help preserve food, there is also fast food and sweets that have become mass consumption products and if it affects health. I think we should eat a balanced diet and make physical effort to burn excess calories in the body and stay in shape
Ashley Massiel Mancero Salcedo
ResponderBorrarlifestyles before : the people used to eat very healthy food for example they used to ate, beans ,corn ,meat ,avocados,milk , eggs meat, lifestyles now the people eat fast food , the meals are not very helthy for exmple the fast food like as : hamburguer ,chicken,roast potatoes ,chips, soda , it is very worse for the healths people , before every people used to work very hard in the agriculture they used to grow your own food, they used to prepare thern and they were very healthy, now people use to eat to eat fast food some people don´t do any kind of exercise or sport now the people use to have some distranger things, in my opinion now the lifestyle is very bad since we are not healthy or do sports, society has changed completely for the worse
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ResponderBorrarBryan Hemiro Tugumbango Siza
ResponderBorrarLifestyles before: In the past, most people knew that consuming nutritious food was essential and essential. This was because in those days there were not many fatty foods. For example, in the past, the diet was stricter and had as basic foods: corn, beans, tomatoes, green tomatoes and squash, among others. That is why they led a healthier lifestyle than today.
Lifestyles now: Nowadays most people know that healthy food is better for the body, often most people do not eat this way. The reason people eat this way is because the body likes sugars and fats. It is very difficult to change the lifestyle in a population used to eating junk food because the body wants this type of food.
In my personal opinion, the lifestyle of before is healthier than today's. Because it is very difficult to change the food system, but not impossible. For example, people need to learn how to cook healthy and above all exercise to have a healthy life.
ResponderBorrarDAYANA FUERES
The lifestyles was changing to long or time, when I talk another people they tell me about the eating habits. For example, my mon says that when she was child, she ate more healt, her mom grew food from the land were more organic. Today the people buy en the supermarket foods that come from large industries that use chemicals to make vegetables bigger. One the other hand, before the pandemic the fast food was suplanted the slow food, for reasons of time, study of work, the peolple use to eat hamburguers, french fries, soda, crispy chiken and high sugar foods. When the pandemic started the people began to have eating habits more healt and now it is trending, many people choose to buy healthy food and do exercise. I think that have healty habits help us to have a better lifestyle.
ResponderBorrarIn my opinion people are eating healthier than they did three years ago. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced people to change bad eating habits and use more natural and nutritious products to increase the body's defenses.
They used to have a lifestyle that forced them to eat fast food because of limited time, price or preparation time. Before, the consumption of food high in carbohydrates, sugars and fats was higher, which went unnoticed since it was not necessary to eat well because we were not in any danger.
The current lifestyle in the city is different, after the pandemic most people chose to change their diet, consume more fruits, vegetables, meats that have not been processed and organically grown products were the options that were most noticeable in the new consumers this may be due to the high content of vitamins and nutrients that these have.
Eating styles are now better because society is more aware of what should be consumed and in what proportions to stay healthy and avoid many diseases.
In the countryside everything remains the same, the food has always been good, the changes are minimal because people are used to grow their own food and cook it fresh, the exchange of food within the communities allows all families to be nourished in the same way. Health has always been the most important thing there, which is why their meals have a high content of nutrients and vitamins provided by the fruits and vegetables they grow themselves.
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ResponderBorrarFood is very fundamental for the human being since it is a means to be able to live well and have good health, although at present food has not been managed in a correct way since in the last decade people have begun to eat meals in high fat and junk food due to several factors this has begun to damage people's health and generate overweight in the same way compared to how our grandparents ate it is different since they had a variety of healthy food since many grew their own food as grains and potatoes that are foods that kept them healthy
ResponderBorrarEstévez Palacios Sebastián Gustavo
ResponderBorrarIn my opinion used to to people took care of themselves, nowadays I think people eat more than used to. Because nowadays we have seen a little bit of everything , people who like to eat a lot and others little , because there are people who like to take care of their lifestyle either by dieting or doing a lot of exercise because this is healthy for them, while other people do not take care of their lifestyle , before taking care of themselves they prefer to eat unhealthy foods that are harmful and affect their health, that is why I recomend a good lifestyle , eat healthy, exercise all this to lead a healthy life without any health problems.
Nicole Sarabia Valle
ResponderBorrarI think that adults persons are eating healthier, because eating healthier is very important for have a life calm, organized and for have good health. Also, the body obtains all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals it needs to work properly. But I think, the adolescents don’t be careful with food, they prefer the less healthy food, for example a hamburgurger, pizza, chocolate and other food. For this reason, the future of the adolescents is very bad and have life with many illnesses. I Believe that before, the adults and adolescents eating was much better because the people could consume quality products with great nutricional and benefits. Now the junk food is very popular and most Young people prefer eating.
Alondra Méndez
ResponderBorrarNowadays people are eating less healthy food. Because the diet of before consisted of the resources that nature could offer them, for example they ate vegetables, fruits, legumes and everything they could get in their environment, totally natural.
Lifestyles now, food is currently less healthy because people do not eat on time because they are on the phone, they eat fast, that is, they do not allow food to be processed, it is very common to eat fast food, for example, hamburgers, fries chips and most products contain chemicals. Studies have revealed that fruits and vegetables now provide fewer nutrients than before.
Today there are many children with diseases due to poor nutrition, on the contrary, people from before even live longer and their bones are strong because they have eaten healthy products.
ResponderBorrarCurrently there are groups of people who are very careful with their health, take care of their diet, exercise daily and the other group of people for work or lifestyle reasons are sedentary and eat unhealthy fast food.
The diet of the past was healthier, consuming natural foods rich in proteins and nutrients such as grains, cereals, vegetables.
The current diet for work reasons people eat away from home, fast food, high in fat and sugar, is not healthy which seriously affects health.
A sedentary lifestyle is a great danger, since we all need to be active to stay healthy and thus also be able to free ourselves from work stress.
In my opinion, food should be balanced, in order to maintain a balanced diet in healthy fats, sugar, grains, vegetables, fruits, among others, accompanied by exercise, this helps us fight serious diseases or viruses such as covid 19, where we could show that having a good diet and a healthy lifestyle is essential.
ResponderBorrarThe lifestyles before were very different from today's lifestyles, the lifestyle before was much healthier and that can be told by our grandparents or parents, they always tell us how before they ate more vegetables, their food was less greasy and they did not eat sweets in an exaggerated way, if we compare that with today, the lifestyles of now are much less healthy, for example, currently fast food is the most consumed, and this happens because today's life needs more speed, for example, not everyone has much time to go home to eat, and that is why they prefer to consume prepared food, or fast food such as hamburgers, fries or different snacks, and they also don't want to waste time and that is why they travel only in cars, which worsens their physical condition since they do not exercise, in conclusion life has changed and so have lifestyles, but it is always necessary to take care of our health
William Andrés Armas Medina
ResponderBorrarThe lifestyle of before was healthier our grandparents and parents had a healthier diet so they enjoy good health, a clear example is the good health that our grandparents have despite their advanced age.
Today's lifestyle is simpler, people do not care much about eating healthy, now most people prefer to go out to eat in restaurants, this due to bad habits or lack of time.
In my opinion, today's lifestyle is bad, because people do not care about their health and eat junk food regardless of the consequences in the future, and I think we have time to raise awareness and motivate new generations to have a more active and healthy lifestyle in which they care about having a good physical condition and health thanks to sports and good nutrition.
ResponderBorrarFrom my point of view, he thought that in the past, that is, ancient people like our grandparents did not take care of their food, they ate everything but healthier, such as cream of beans, cream of carrots, salads, many fruits, and very believers of home remedies that cured and cured everything, today I think that food is unhealthy, highly processed, with too much fat that is very harmful to health and our habits are also not very good that we say we no longer give ourselves the time to prepare a good meal if we do not opt for fast food with too many condiments and not eating well, causes obesity at a very early age, among other cases.
Karol Stefany Morillo Criollo
ResponderBorrarPeople used to have a better lifestyle, before they preferred to take care of their health naturally, they used to eat healthy at home, but now people take care of themselves based on chemicals or pills. Before, the lifestyle was better because everything was based on natural things, but now people prefer to take care of their health by relying on doctors. Also, people used to exercise before, but now they prefer to have operations to look good and make them think that they are in good health.
ResponderBorrarIf we look back and compare the diet of our parents or grandparents with our current diet, we will see that we are increasingly losing the essence of our food culture, also known as the Mediterranean diet.The consumption of fish, nuts, vegetables and fruits as well as sitting down as a family to eat is increasingly unusual.The diet in the middle of the last century was characterized by a high consumption of vegetables with a contribution of vegetable protein that came from the consumption of legumes and nuts. It had a high percentage of complex carbohydrates, due to the consumption of potatoes and rice. It was a fairly low diet in animal protein and it could be said that it was very monotonous but rich in fiber.
I think that before the lifestyle of each person was healthy and there were no excuses to be able to eat healthy or maybe it is because they no longer have time to cook, they choose to eat junk food, before people grew their vegetables on their own houses which was healthier because they don't have harmful chemicals and they don't use a lot of seasonings for cooking.
ResponderBorrarLifestyles now: We are more comfortable and busier than we prefer to order junk food which I don't think is bad but if it is excessive it can damage our health.
Cristian Fernando Espinosa Cevallos
ResponderBorrarThe habits in the humanity have changed along of the time, nowadays most of the population in the word dont have enough time to prepare food in the house and the principal reason is the work and the distance between house, work , and the places where they can get the ingredients besides that you have to spend time cooking so now most of them decide to go and buy fast food but they dont realized that with the time they are gonna get problems with their healthy.
In the past the prople used to have more time to spend in the house and they used to be able to cook something healthy with vegetables, proteins, and the quantity of hormones in the animals used to be lower than now.
For example i have a friend who is living in the USA and he is getting a lot problems with his healthy in especial his stomach, the principal reason is because he used to eat in different times in the day and sometimes he used to eat just 2 times per day, Now i realized that new companies are trying to create food to take to your house and it is healthy is part of inovation, in conclusion nowadays its more difficult eat something healthy but if you want to keep you in shape and you dont want have problems in your body the best of recommendations is take care of yourself and what are you eating.
In my opinion and experience, the people of nowdays are eating less healty food and it is because their consider the fastfood most delicious and affordable. For example, the people consider the pizza is better than the salad. But no all people are like that, because there people who take care of their health and vegan people.
ResponderBorrarDue to the pandemic the people are having a lifestyle healthier, in the meal and doing excercing for prevent die o get a harder sick.
Marjorie Lizeth López Rosero
ResponderBorrarI think that before the eating style was much healthier than it is now, before they ate soup, soups of many things like oatmeal, avas, chochos, today many of us do not like this type of food, what we usually eat is junk food and that is why we get sick much more easily and there are many people who are overweight before people did much more exercise now we have adopted a sedentary lifestyle.
Joseph Perugachi
ResponderBorrarI think that in the last two years, people have been eating more healthy than before, in my opinion this is because we have more time to cook and eat due to the pandemic.
For example, before the pandemic we had to spend the whole day at university and were forced to eat junk food or simply not eat because we did not have enough time to do it.
On the other hand, now that we have online classes we have time to cook healthier meals and eat them calmly because we don’t have to worry about being late.