Discuss acts of kindness and honesty.
Read pgae 118 and do activities A, B,C.
Look at the headlines of the three
news stories. In what way do you think the stories will be
ook at the headlines of the three news stories. In what way do you think the stories will be similar?
ResponderBorrarI've seen the pictures, after I’ve seen the stories, I'll summarize the main idea about, the most important thing that we can found around these stories are that the human have to act in the right way with their similar and their environment, for example, be careful with your actions if you have the chance to help for somebody, check all the possibilities to be helpful if it's possible, all of those people have the chance to help and try to be correct. All time we have many chances related with this complex thoughts, as it's necessary that all of us are connected and be just anyone, the principal idea is that we have to choose just one thing, and it's the true, the correct and the necessary for help us and make a better world.
1) Sr. Bogue has gave a rewar for a man who has found his wallet that has been losted, a
man who had been searching trougth the trash and there he found the wallet and he
carry to teurns for his owner.
2) Because he thinks that he had made that was rigth and the rigth is be a useful person
and would be a helper and he felt on his heart that he have to made something
3) Because he thinks that the pssenger wants the content of that bag because hes a
traveler and he probabbly just have that to trip.
1) Because a man had returned his wallet lost
2) Because he thinks that he had to made the correct
3) Because he thinks that should be useful for the traveler
A man had been walked on the street then he had foud a cellphone near of a public chair
then he search for the owner with help of the adress on the phone back
After having read the three readings that are in the book, I was able to realize that there are still people who have good principles and are always willing to do what they do best, and in this case it was to help people who needed it.
ResponderBorrar*ACTIVITY 1:
I chose: an act of honesty by airport screener:
New Delhi: in a show of honesty, a securityagent at Indira Gandhi international airport handed a small plastic bag containing $3000 in cash to a Passenger who had completelyforgotten the bag after passing throught amchone airpott checkpaint.
• Why did Kim Bogue give the homeless man a reward?
Because the burn has a good heart for giving me the $900 so Bogue gave him $100 as a reward.
• Why did Wesley Autrey risk his life to sabe a stranger?
Because he did what he thought was night, wich was to help the other peson and that speaks highlyof him, without expecting anything in return.
• Why do you think Dalbir Singh returned the money to the passanger?
Because that’s called honesty and he couldn’t let someone get away with his money that’s why Singh got a reward for his honesty.
In my neighborhood Doña Lupita dropped a $20 dollar Bill in our park, mosto f the neighborhood who know her went out to look for it because she put rhat in the neighborhood group chat on wpp and if we went out to look for it an Don Guillito found the ticket and returned it, it turns out that the ticket had been on the street behind my house.
I believe that as a similarity between the three readings there is Good kindness, respect and the gift of returing things that are not one’s own and that speaks more that a thousand words.
Nathaly Chiluisa
ResponderBorrarThe three news have similarity in the good deeds of people, how they are born to help others, or reward good and kind people.
I found the article subtitled "Man risks his life to save another" very interesting.
Altruism implies selfless concern for others. It is about doing things simply out of a desire to help, not out of obligation, loyalty, or religious reasons.
Daily life is full of small acts of altruism, from the man who helps a young man to save his life because he saw that he was in trouble, to the lady who helps the cat to get down from a tree, all this is his little help center For nature
The news often focuses on the most extreme cases of altruism
1.Because he said he has a good heart, not every would have returned.
2. Because he did what he felt and that was to help the boy
3. He returned the money for being an honest person
My mom found a wallet with many documents and money, my mom is very honest and decides to look for its owner on social networks and returned it to her, the man wanted to reward my mom's honesty but he didn't accept it, he did it out of politeness, and out of respect, in this life you have to be good in every situation because nobody knows what we are going through.
Carlos Andrés Vásquez Clerque.
After seeing the images and after analyzing each of the readings, I have come to the conclusion that the human being must act in the most ethical way possible, since it is his obligation to help others and act in a way good so we can have a better world
The protagonist of the story, Mr. Bogue, lost his wallet and after looking for it for so long, a man who was looking in the trash found it and he did not take the money or anything of value, on the contrary, he looked for the owner of the wallet and he gave a well deserved reward
1) Because he had a good heart
2)because he saw someone who needed help
3)because be know it was right
Last June I found an iPhone 11 and since it did not belong to me, I looked for its owner and they gave me a good reward
In the three readings they speak to us of acts of nobility and honesty, where in the first one a man of humble origin returns a wallet to its owner, many times there are no people like this man of humble origin, since another person could take the money and return only the papers, but in the case of this man he did not do that in spite of his situation.
ResponderBorrarIn the other case there are very few people who react to a situation where another is about to get hurt, in my case I am a person who remains static when I see situations like the one in the reading, I do not know the reason for my reaction but I admire people who can react in time.
In several locations there are few people who turn in something they found and in other countries people don't even touch them so that when the owners arrive they will find them where they left them.
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ResponderBorrarA) This article tells us the story of an airport inspector who, in an exemplary act of honesty, managed to return the bag with money to its owner.
1- Why did Kim Bogue give the homeless man a reward?
Because he is someone very kind, who has a lot of money and likes to help those in need.
2- Why did Wesly Autrey risk his life to save a stranger?
Because he is a very brave person, and that is the right thing to do. In my opinion that makes him a hero.
3- Why do you think Dalbir Singh returned the money to the passenger?
Because he is an exemplary man with great honesty, and he knows that doing the right thing always brings rewards to him.
C) In my experience once a few years ago, a blind person asked me if I could help him. The man gave me an address, I took his arm and I was taking him to where he indicated me. After that I received congratulations from the relatives of that man. Turns out the man got out and was lost.
A. SUMMARIZE Summarize one of the articles. Close your book and tell the story in your own words.
ResponderBorrar-Dalbir Singh was a good person at the time of returning the money that wasn't his, he remained on honest person before all the passengers.
B. INTERPRET INFORMATION Discuss each person's motives for his or her actions.
1. Why did Kim Bogue give the homesless man a reward? Because he had a good heart.
2. Why did Wesley Autrey risk his life to save a stranger? Because he saw someone who needed help.
3. Why do you think Dalbir Singh returned the money to the passenger? Because he's an honest person and returns what isn't his.
C. RELATE TO PERSONAL EXPERIENCE Think of a story you have heard about someone who helped a stranger in need. Tell it to the class.
-A month ago when I went shopping for Christmas a guy dropped his credit card and my dad picked it up and ran to the guy to return it.
PREDICT Look at the headlines of the three news stories. In what way do you think the stories will be similar?
- They are similar in the honesty of people, in returning what they find and it's not theirs.
William Andrés Armas Medina
ResponderBorrarThat in the three stories there are acts of honesty and help, because these people cared for the good of others, regardless of the benefit of each one, and ended up doing great acts of humanity.
A. Summarize
An article tells the story of a homeless man who finds a $900 wallet that was accidentally thrown away by its owner, and the homeless man seeks the owner to return the money, so he is given it by a person who works with the owner of the money In exchange, he gives her a reward of $100 for her good act of honesty.
B. Interprete information.
1. Why did kim bogue give the homeless man a reward?
He gave it to him for his good act of kindness, someone else would keep the $900.
2. Why did Wesley Autrey risk his life to save a stranger?
Because he saw that someone needed help and he did his best to help the young man.
3. Why do you think Dalbir Singh returned to money to the passenger?
Because he is an honest person and it is part of his job
C. Relate to personal experience.
Once I went to eat in a restaurant and in my seat I found a late-model cell phone that was very expensive, but it had no battery so I couldn't communicate with its owner, I had the option of leaving it in the restaurant and they they will deliver to its owner or take me home, so I took it to my house and waited for the call from its owner, the next day its owner called and we agreed on a place to return his cell phone, he offered me money as a reward but I did not accept because Those things happened to me and they didn't return it to me and I asked him that if he found a valuable object he would return it to its owner.
To me the three stories are similar in the acts of honesty of some people, without the need to want to be rewarded.
ResponderBorrarA. SUMMARIZE. Summarize one of the articles. Close you book and tell the story in your own words.
Wesley Autrey saved young Cameron Hollopeter's life from being run over by a subway. He didn't care about the consequences, he simply wanted to help.
B. INTERPRET INFORMATION. Discuss each person´s motives for his or her actions.
1. Why did Kim Bougue give the homeless man a reward?
Because Kim Bougue wanted to reward the good deed of the homeless man because even though he needed the money he was honest and returned it.
2. Why did Wesley Autrey risk his life to save a stranger?
Because he didn't mind risking his life to save someone else's, Autery simply wanted to help.
3. Why do you think Dalbir Singh returned the money to the passenger?
Because he wanted to do an act of honesty, without the need to look for a reward because for him it was enough to be a good person.
C. RELATE TO PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. Think of a story you have heard about someone who helped a stranger in need. Tell it to the class.
Some time ago my family and I had a traffic accident late at night, after the collision many people came to help us and asked for help with ambulances and patrol cars, they helped us to get out of the wreckage and get to the hospital; it was certainly a very nice act and of great help, as they were people who did not know anyone in my family but they helped us with great heart and honesty.
Iván Steven Vallejo:
ResponderBorrarLook at the headlines of the three news stories. In what way do you think the stories will be similar?
The three stories are similar because there are honest and brave people in all three headlines.
A: UMMARIZE Summarize one of the articles.
Homeless Man returns wallet with 900$:
an honest man in santa Ana california returned to its owner a wallet with 900 dollars and credit cards inside, the owner was saving for a personal trip. found it in a garbage bag. The man was very honest and good hearted.
B: INTERPRET INFORMATION Discuss each person's motives for his or her actions.
1 Why did kim Bogue give the homeless man a reward?
Because he had a good heart
2 Why did Wesley Autrey risk his life to save a stranger?
Because he saw someone who need help
3 Why do you think Dalbir Singh returned the money to the passenger?
Because he put himself in the place of the person who lost the wallet and saw that it was a lot of money that he possibly saved with a lot of effort and work.
RELATE TO PERSONAL EXPERIENCE Think of a story you have heard about someone who helped
a stranger in need.
I do not know any story that I have lived but I know that there are good people in this world who could risk their lives for people they do not know in some cases even for animals, they are simply good-hearted and brave who only think of helping in that moment
ResponderBorrarLook at the headlines of the three news stories. In what way do you think the stories will be similar
Observing the headlines of the three stories, they are related in that they help people and think about doing the right thing and they do not do it as an effort, rather they do it in an honest way and for the good of all.
Summarize one of the articles. Close your book and tell the story in your own words.
Man Risks Life to Save Another
This story seemed very beautiful to me, it is about a man who does not think he is a hero but for the people on the train and for me he was because he saved the life of a film student who fell between the train tracks and Wesley did an act brave and did not mind risking his life to save the young man, he says it was the right thing to do.
1.Why did Kim Bogue give the homeless man a reward?
Because he has a good heart because the homeless man returned his wallet with everything he had inside and it was a noble and correct deed
2. Why Did Wesley Autrey risk his life to save a stranger?
Because he believed what he had to do, since the young man needed his help and saving his life was not a sacrifice for him but something he had to do and the right thing to do.
3.Why do you think Dalbir Singh returned the money to the passenger?
Because Dalbir is an honest person, who has been taught values and returning that money for him was the right thing to do.
Think of a story you have heard about someone who helped a stranger in need. Tell it to the class
Once I saw a news about a policeman who helped a woman who wanted to commit suicide by throwing herself from a bridge, it was something very brave on the part of the policeman because he advised him and told him the right words so that the lady would come to her senses and In this way, the policeman was able to hold the lady's hand and save her life.
Jhoseline Leticia Cordova Pineda
About kindness and honesty we can see in the images that each one leaves us a good teaching, in the first image we see how Bogue gives a reward to whoever returned the wallet since he gave it up for lost with $900 and credit cards, in the second image we see that a man risked his life to save another, thinking that the others are fine and if he was in it, it helps because he did it with great pleasure, in the third image we see that in the same way there is honesty where we see that a bag of money fell at the airport, the person who saw that tried to look for it until he found its owner, he advertised and did not appear until he decided to follow the travel etiquette and returned it.
1.- Because he had a good heart
2.- Because he saw someone who needed help
3.- Answers will vary
A story that a colleague told was that one day she was walking, grabbing some purchases, in which at one point she found a purse full of money, at least $1,000, in which she did not know what to do and she did not know who it could have fallen to and she did not know either. who to return it to, so he stayed there waiting for at least an hour to see if someone came looking for the bag, then an older lady appeared and said maybe you saw my bag and then she said of course yes, and the lady returned it to her, she was very happy and gave him a reward of 50 dollars
A. The three stories are similar because they talk about the experiences they had at a time in their lives when they had to do an act of empathy, kindness and honesty.
ResponderBorrar1 Why Did Kim Bogue Give The homeless man a reward?
Because Kim Bogue was grateful, she gave him a 100 dollar reward, I think someone else would not have returned the wallet with the money.
2 Why did Wesley Autrey risk his life to save a stranger?
Wesley Autrey thought it was the right thing to do to save the life of the young man who needed his help.
3 Why do you think Dalbir Singh returned the money to the passenger?
Because he knew that it was the right thing to return the money to the passenger, in the end he did an act of honesty and received money as a reward.
C. On one occasion when I was 6 years old in a shopping center, I got lost because I was naughty, I ran out and saw a game store, when I finished playing I went to look for my parents and I couldn't find them, then some guards saw me that I was crying and a security guard asked me what happened, I told him that I lost my parents and right away he helped me find my parents.
ResponderBorrarA SUMMARIZE
The events in the reading takes place at the INDIRA GANDHI international airport, in this place happens that a security agent who worked at this airport found a small plastic suitcase that contained the amount of $3,000 inside it, when the security agent realized this situation he look for the passenger to who the suitcase belongs and announce on the next flight to Mumbai the finding of this suitcase, fortunately the passenger was still there and went immediately for his suitcase and considering the act of the security guard an honest act he decided to take a portion of the reward money.
I think he returned the money to the passenger because he think it was a seroius amount of money and someone be worry about losing it, and he decide to do an act of honesty and gave the passenger his money back.
Something similar to the reading happen to me, one day I was traveling to quito and i decided to take the bus just as i was getting on a person was getting off it was a woman and when i sat down on the seat that she had left free i realized that her wallet had been left on the seat and i decided to ask her the bus driver to stop so he could return that woman's wallet.
ResponderBorrarLook at the headlines of the three news stories. In what way do you think the stories will be similar?
- From the title of each of the stories I think they are related to doing good deeds for other people, and in each of them values such as: honesty, sincerity and humility are included. All these stories contain charitable works and point us to various ways to do the right thing.
Story 1: Homeless Man Returns Wallet with $900
- In my opinion, it seems to me a very moving story, where it indicates that many times those people who have little in terms of resources, have great values and heart to spare for doing well before a society that judges among themselves.
The story of this homeless man is about how he survives on the streets, looking for something to eat, and how to spend the cold nights, while searching through the garbage, he found a wallet full of a lot of money, and this wallet belonged to a man of the city, who was saving to make a trip to his native country which is thailand.
The owner of the wallet made a mistake by throwing away his wallet with the residue of a lunch that had been served, when that happened the homeless man handed the wallet to a worker in the building to which the worker replied: "you have very good heart" and so they thought the man with 100 dollars.
This indicates that that person was honest and brave, he was not blind to having economic value and he did well, but for that good deed, he was compensated immediately.
1. Why did Kim Bogue give the homeless man a bounty?
Because he thinks the homeless man "has a very good heart" the moment he returned the wallet full of money and credit cards.
2. Why did Wesley Autrey risk his life to save a stranger?
Because he saw that this person needed help, and Autrey jumped the train tracks to save that passenger from a subway train.
3. Why do you think Dalbir Singh returned the money to the passenger?
Because he has good intentions even if other people don't notice it, he wanted to do the right thing, although it was a bit complicated but he managed to get the owner of the money to come back for it.
- The story is about me, I remember that two years ago more or less with my brother you were walking home, while we were talking I remember that we saw a black wallet on the ground, and immediately I took it, my brother told me to check if there is money and that it was impossible to return or find the owner, we opened the wallet and there was only 10 dollars, my brother wanted to keep the wallet, but I immediately told him to look for the owner, we saw the identity card and it belonged to a man of 70 years, I immediately imagined that he dropped it by mistake, and that money I had for him was valuable, I ran two blocks and tried to identify Mr. Gonzalo, two blocks away I found a man with a cane and I said "Good afternoon, your name is Gonzalo " and he said "Yes, miss" immediately I saw his face and it was the man with the ID, he gave me so much tenderness, he looked like a child losing his things. Immediately I returned his entire wallet, and the man cried and said beautiful words to me like:
"Thank you miss, God bless you for your good heart" and right away I thought that those words filled my heart more and made me happier, all of this was better than having kept money that didn't even exist now.
Steve Mejía
ResponderBorrar-Look at the headlines of the three news stories. In what way do you think the stories will be similar?
The three stories have a general reflection, and that is that we must be good people, honest and ethical, when we do good, life will reward us with better things, it is not mandatory to be good people, it is simply to be at peace with oneself without hurting other people.
A)-Summarize one of the articles. Vlose your book and tell the story in your own words.
I like article one, because it says that we should not judge people by their appearance, many times the people who have the least are the most honest, the act of the homeless despite their needs, they decided to return the money , because it wasn't his and surely it belonged to someone else who needed it and in exchange for that he received a reward and he stayed with his conscience clear.
B)- INTERPRET INFORMATION. Discuss each person's motives for his or her actión
1)Why did Kim Bogue give the homeless man a reward
Because he wanted to reward his honors and he also had a good heart.
2)Why did Wesley Autrey riks his life to save a stranger?
Because he saw someone who needed help and decided to help him despite risking his own life.
3)Why do you think Dalbir Singh returned the money to the passenger?
Because it wasn't his money and maybe sooner or later the owner would come back for it, also his honesty made him do the right thing and look for the owner of the money and that speaks very well of him as a person.
C)- RELATE TO PERSONAL EXPERIENCE Think of a story you have heard about someone who helped a stranger in need. Tell it to the class.
Once I went to a party and everyone was very drunk and I found a cell phone on the chairs at the bar and I took it and brought it home, the next day I turned it on and waited for them to call to ask about it, and the owner gave me fifty dollar reward if he hadn't asked for anything.
ResponderBorrar*Look at the headliness of the three news stories. In what way do you think the stories will be similar?
According to the reading of the 3 paragraphs, they are similar in that they try to help people with an act of kindness and honesty.
A) Summarize one of the articles. Close your book and tell the story in your own words.
It is about a homeless man who every day collects recyclable cans in garbage containers, near a building where Kim Bogue works, the owner had accidentally thrown his wallet in the trash, with $ 900 dollars that he was saving to return to his hometown and that was very important to him. The tramp returned it intact and the owner was grateful and invited him a lunch in show of his gratitude
B) INTERPRET INFORMATION. Discuss each person's motives for his or her actions.
*Why did Kim Bogue give the homeless man a reward?
Because he has a good heart and returned his wallet with the $900
*Why did Wesley Autrey risk his life to save a stranger?
Because he believed what he had to do, since the young man needed his help and saving his life was not a sacrifice for him but something he had to do and the right thing to do.
*Why do you think Dalbir Singh returned the money to the passenger?
Because Dalbir is an honest person, who has been taught values and returning that money for him was the right thing to do.
C) RELATE TO PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. Think of a story you have heard about someone who helped a stranger in need. Tell it to the class.
Once my father, he paid for lunch to a vagabond, because he was very moved and felt a lot of sadness, and that person was very grateful to him.
*Look at the headlines of the three news stories. In what way do you think the stories will be similar?
ResponderBorrarI think the stories are similar in the way that each person demonstrates their values and does the right thing, recognizing their limitations and helping others regardless of their economic condition and filling themselves with courage at the moment that the person in the first story preferred to offer himself himself to save the life of another. Each person demonstrates their ethics and values with different actions but they are similar, since in one way or another they help.
A.- Summarize one of the articles. Close your book and tell the story in your own words.
At an international airport, the inspector shows his honesty and ethics by returning $3,000 in cash to a traveler.
1.- A Why did Kim Bogue give the homeless man a reward?
Because he has a good heart and returned his wallet with the $900
2.- Why did Wesley Autrey risk his life to save a stranger?
Because he believed what he had to do, since the young man needed his help and saving his life was not a sacrifice for him but something he had to do and the right thing to do.
3.- Why do you think Dalbir Singh returned the money to the passenger?
Because Dalbir is an honest person, who has been taught values and returning that money for him was the right thing to do.
C.- Relate to personal experience : Think of a story you have heard about someone who helped a stranger in need.
Once my mother in the city of Quito saw an elderly person unable to cross the street and proceeded to help him cross so that nothing would happen to him.
My name is Mireya Dorado
ResponderBorrarA) . SUMMARIZE Summarize one of the articles. Close your book and tell the story in your own words.
The three stories are important in the study of ethics and morals, but I think I was impressed by the story of the man who found a wallet with all the documents and money that were in a garbage can. This homeless man was looking in all the garbage containers for recyclable cans and it is there that he finds a wallet wrapped in a plastic bag that the owner of said bag accidentally threw in the garbage with his lunch, the man did an act of moral ethics and returned to its owner, this gentleman received 100 dollars as a reward for his good deed and kindness.
B). INTERPRET INFORMATION Discuss each person's motives for his or her actions.
1. Why did Kim Bogue give the homeless man man a reward?
Because he found the wallet that was lost, I consider that he gave it to him for an act of honesty and because they have a good heart.
2. Why did Wesley Autrey risk his life to save a stranger?
Because he saw that someone needs help, I believe that all people should do acts of kindness to contribute to society, these acts of humanity enhance their human quality.
3. Why do you think Dalbir Singh returned the money to the passenger?
Because the airport security agent did the right thing, it is an act of honesty. The man who was traveling perhaps had to spend a lot of time working to be able to have it and it was not correct for the man from the airport to keep the money, for his good deed he received the reward from him.
C). RELATE TO PERSONAL EXPERIENCE Think of a story you have heard about someone who helped a stranger in need. Tell it to the class.
A story of an act of ethics and morals, a few years ago my niece went to the park to play with her friends, she spent the whole afternoon playing in the park it was already a little late, it was 6:30 in the afternoon when she She sat down to drink some water when there was a cell phone on the stairs where she was sitting, so she took it and started looking all over the park for who owned the cell phone, after a few minutes she found the owner and gave it to him It was an act of kindness and honesty that my niece did.
In the three readings they speak to us of nobility, honesty, and above all that some people still have that desire to be able to help other people if they have more or less in the economic question for this reason these readings have helped to reflect and understand that There are still human beings with a big heart.
An article tells the story of a homeless man who finds a $900 wallet that was accidentally dropped by its owner, and the homeless man seeks to get the money back from the owner, so it is given to him by a person who works with the money's owner A In exchange, he gives her a reward of $100 for her good act of honesty. Many people didn't.
1. Mr. Kim Bogue giving a reward to the homeless man who handed over his wallet was the least he could do, his honesty was greater than the ambition to get that money. That was a sum of $900 and for such a gesture he received a reward of $100.
2. He risked his life for a stranger, because he felt it was the right thing to do,
3. I believe that he returned it to feel good in his conscience and for being an honest person and for his values of honesty to prevail.
Once in the commercial center of Quito a lady forgot her cell phone on a bench in a clothing store I found it and when I saw that the lady left I left it with one of the employees, minutes later I found the lady and told her that his cell phone is in the clothing store.
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ResponderBorrar• Look at the headlines of the three news stories. ¿In what way do you think the stories will be similar?
Story headlines refer to a good deed performed by someone, so all three have the similarity that someone is the protagonist who does something good to help another person, and I think they will be very beautiful stories, where it shows how good and honest people act when they see a situation where they can help.
A) SUMMARIZE Summarize one of the articles. Close your book and tell the story in your own words
An airport policeman found a suitcase that was forgotten by a passenger, when he found the bag, he looked 3.000 dollars in it, immediately he tried to look for the owner of the suitcase making an announcement for the other passengers to hear, when he didn’t find the owner he decided to check the bag and found a travel ticket, then he found the owner and he compensated him for his honesty and help.
B) INTERPRET INFORMATION Discuss each person’s motives for his or her actions
1. Why did Kim Bogue give the homeless man a reward?
Because he had a good heart
2. Why did Wesley Autrey risk his life to save a stranger?
Because he saw someone who needed help
3. Why do you think Dalbir Singh returned the money to the passenger?
Because he knew it was the right thing to do
C) RELATE TO PERSONAL EXPERIENCE Think of a story you have heard about someone who helped a stranger in need.
My mom found a cellphone on a bus and took it home, after taht we waited for days for someone to call the cell phone to claim it, after two days they called and we returned the cell phone to its owner
Edison Xavier Mina García
ResponderBorrarIn what way do you think the stories will be similar?
All three articles talk about ethics and values. one article talks about the moral ethics of a man in saving another's life. The other two articles talk about the honesty of two people in different situations.
A. Summarize
In Santa Ana, Calif. A homeless man found a $900 wallet in a dumpster. Seeing such an amount of money, the man approached the building where the container was and notified a person. The owner's name was Kim Bouge and he was saving money for a trip to Thailand, where he was a native. The homeless man was able to return the money and Kim Bouge rewarded him with $100.
B. Interpret information
1) Why did Kim Bouge give the homeless man a reward?
Because he saw that the tramp had a good heart
2) Why did Wesley Autrey risk his life to save a stranger?
Because it was her natural instinct to see that someone needed help.
3) Why do you think Dalbir Singh returned the money to the passenger?
Because his moral values led him to always behave honestly.
C. Relate to personal experience
I had a similar situation. I study architecture and had classes at night. In the end I left the university and near the elevator I found a smartphone. then I took it to the guard to keep it until they found the owner. Then I posted the news on the school Facebook wall and the next day the owner got it back.
Camila Arciniega
ResponderBorrar-Look at the headlines of the three news stories. In what way do you think the stories will be similar?
The stories are similar because in each of them they show us the ethical values that people have and how they help the people they need, we can realize that there are still people who care about others despite not knowing them.
One of the stories tells us that Kim worked in the city and lost her wallet, she thought she had lost all her money and credit cards. But days later his wallet was returned, because a vagabond had found the wallet in the trash and he did the right thing it was to return the owner, that's why he received a reward of 100 dollars for the good act of honesty.
1. Because the homeless found his wallet and was honest in returning him.
2. Because he saw that stranger was in danger and needed someone's help.
3. Because that was the right thing he had to do, and that's why he recived a reward
Once my friend told me that she was walking down the street and saw an elderly person who could not cross the street because many cars were passing by, so she took the old man by the arm and finally he was able to cross the street with the help of my friend.
Ashley Massiel Mancero Salcedo
ResponderBorrarA.- Summarize
In sometimes people forget things at the airport on the buses or in the taxi few people are honestty and they return the things that someone forgotten nowaday there isn´t honesty people
B.- Interpret information
1.- Why did Kim Bogue give the homeless man a reward?
Kim Bogue gave the hameless man a reward because he found her wallet in a plastic trash this man has a good heart and bogue gave the man a hundred dollars
2.- Why did Wesley Autrey risk his life to save aa stranger?
Wesley Autrey risk a fifty-year-old New York City construction worker , he jumped onto the tracks to save a fellow passenger from an oncoming New York City subway train , Cameron H had fallen between the tracks after surffering a seizure both men sirvived
3.- Why do you think Dlbir Singh returned the money to the passenger ?
Because Dalhi is an honesty man and he decided to return the small plasric beg with us 3000 in cash to a passenger who had forgottenthe bag
C.- Relate to personal experience
The heroine was my mother and she saw a homeless man coming out of my house who was in front, my mother saw him very injured so they took him to the hospital with my uncle as they saw that he was a homeless person they did not want to treat him but my mother insisted and they managed to attend to the homeless man who was very injured
Look at the headlines of the three news stories. In what way do you think the stories will be similar?
In the three stories there are someone very honesty and they are honest people who like respect the things of other ,save the life and they are heroes because thry help to people with problems
ResponderBorrarA. SUMMARIZE
The story about the act of honesty by airport screener seemed very nice to me since here it talks about what happened to a person doing his daily job and for being a good person and demonstrating his honesty he received a good reward in addition to a consideration of a new friend.
1.Kim vogue gave the reward to the homeless man because he was an honest person who handed over his wallet knowing there was money inside.
2.Wesley Autrey risked his life for a stranger because he thought it would be a good opportunity to help someone in need.
3.Dalbir Singh returned the money because he thought to do a favor to the passenger who lost his money
A brave policeman helped a younger who was being robbed by criminals but due to the bad laws of Ecuador now he is going through a big problem with the justice
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BorrarJoseph Perugachi
ResponderBorrarThe three news has similarity in the good deeds of people, how they are born to help others, or reward good and kind people.
I found the article subtitled "Man risks his life to save another" very interesting.
Altruism implies selfless concern for others. It is about doing things simply out of a desire to help, not out of obligation, loyalty, or religious reasons.
Daily life is full of small acts of altruism, from the man who helps a young man to save his life because he saw that he was in trouble, to the lady who helps the cat to get down from a tree, all this is his little help center For nature
The news often focuses on the most extreme cases of altruism
1.Because he said he has a good heart, not every would have returned.
2. Because he did what he felt and that was to help the boy
3. He returned the money for being an honest person
My friend found a wallet with many documents and money, my friend is very honest and decides to look for its owner on social networks and returned it to her, the man wanted to reward my friend's honesty but he didn't accept it, he did it out of politeness, and out of respect, in this life you have to be good in every situation.
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ResponderBorrarEstévez Palacios Sebastián Gustavo
ResponderBorrar1.-Before you read: look at the headlines of the three news stories.In what way do you think the stories will be similar?
The meaning and similarity of the three statements is to do good to another person or to care for people without expecting anything in return for these good deeds. If we really want to take care of ourselves , we have to take care of others and always try to act in good faith.
A Summarize :
1.-I found Kim Bogue´s article very interesting because it ,tells us that kim Bogue when leaving his work in the center of the city ,he could feel that his wallet had fallen full of valuable objects including , money but a man on the street in an honest and responsible manner found the wallet and looked for it in order to return it.
B Interpret Imformation:
1.-Why did Kim Bogue give the homeless man a reward?
he has a very good heart said bogue who gave the man a 100 reward.
2.-Why did Wesley Autrey risk his life to save a stranger?
I just saw someone who needed help, i did what i felt was right.
3.-Why do you think Dalbir Singh returned the money to the passenger?
Maybe he saw it belonged to someone else and needed it, singh was given a cash reward for his honesty.
C: Relate to personal experience:
Once a friend of mine helped a woman who had lost her phone he helped, her look for it and they found it and it was a great help.
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ResponderBorrarBryan Hemiro Tugumbango Siza
ResponderBorrarPREDIC. Look at the headlines of the three news stories. In what way do you think the stories will be similar?
The stories of the three articles are practically very different but they have the same objective that teaches us that there are still honest and above all brave people who, regardless of the situation, demonstrate their principles and ethical values.
A) SUMMARIZE. Summarize one of the articles. Close your book and tell the story in yours own words.
Homeless Man Returns Wallet with $900
The first article tells of a homeless man returning a wallet that was found in the trash while looking for something to eat. This man with a good heart and, above all, honest, seeing the wallet wrapped in a plastic cover, decided to return it and went to the building where the owner of the wallet possibly worked and handed it to a building manager so that he could return it. This article teaches us that despite the needs of a person there are still honest people and that in the end he received a reward for his honesty and his good heart in returning the found wallet.
B) INTERPET INFORMATION. Discuss each person’s motives for his or her actions.
Why did Kim Bogue give the homeless man a reward?
Kim Bogue gave a reward to the tramp for his honesty and his good heart to return the wallet that he found in a garbage can since not all people would and despite his need the tramp decided to return it.
Why did Wesley Autrey risk his life to save a stranger?
Wesley Autrey risked his life because I consider him to be a brave person who, seeing people who need help, decided to help him without seeing the consequences. this is a very moving gesture since despite the danger he decided to help a person who was in danger and he did it without receiving anything in return.
Why do you think Dalbir Singh returned the money to the passenger?
Dalbir Singh returned the money because he is an honest person. despite being so much money he didn't think about keeping it. On the other hand, this article teaches us that we should be like him.
C) RELATE TO PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. Think of a story you have heard about someone who helped a stranger in need. Tell it to the class.
Some time ago I was traveling to the city of Riobamba on a provincial bus. A lady who sat next to me told me that the owner of the bus is very honest because he told me that days ago he had traveled on the same bus and had dropped his cell phone where the lady immediately called the cell phone and the bus assistant answered and told him not to worry that when he returned he would drop him off. This experience that I heard teaches us that there are still good people.
ResponderBorrarFor me the three stories are similar in the acts of honesty of some people, without the need to want to be rewarded.
A. SUMMARY. Summarize one of the articles. Close your book and tell the story in your own words.
Wesley Autrey saved the life of young Cameron Hollopeter from being hit by a subway. He didn't care about the consequences, he just wanted to help.
B. INTERPRET THE INFORMATION. Discuss each person's motives for their actions.
1. Why did Kim Bougue give the tramp a bounty?
Because Kim Bougue wanted to reward the tramp's good deed because even though he needed the money he was honest and returned it.
2. Why did Wesley Autrey risk his life to save a stranger?
Since he didn't mind risking his life to save someone else's, Auterius simply wanted to help.
3. Why do you think Dalbir Singh returned the money to the passenger?
Because he wanted to do an act of honesty, without the need to seek a reward because it was enough for him to be a good person.
C. RELATION TO PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. Think of a story you have heard about someone who helped a stranger in need. Tell it to the class.
Some time ago we went on a trip with my family to the beach in Atacames, what happened was that we traveled at dawn, my father was driving, he did not know the road well, we got lost and did not know which road to take, we spent 1 hour looking for something person to help us, finally a man who was coming behind us, kindly approached us and asked us what was happening to us, he was very kind, explained where we were and kindly guided us along the road until we reached the beach , we were all very grateful for your help without knowing each other.
Name : Maritza Carlosama
The three headlines have in common the fact that they were carried out by people with true values. The first and last headline have more in common since they are about acts of honesty, while the second headline is based on a heroic act since it saves the life of a person, without a doubt all three were heroes in different scenarios.
A: SUMMARIZE 1: Homeless Man Returns Wallet with $900
The story that impacted me the most is the one of a homeless man who was looking in the garbage containers for things to recycle and while searching one day he found a wallet with 900 dollars and credit cards. The man returned the wallet with the full amount of money to Mr. Bogue, and Mr. Bogue thanked him with a hundred dollars. Because he thought that if someone else had found it, he would have kept it. Without a doubt, the homeless man performed a true act of honesty because in his situation he could have kept it, but he decided to do the right thing.
1. Why did Kim Bogue give the homeless man a reward?
Because he wanted to reward him for his honesty, since he says that "If someone else had found it, the money would have been gone".
2. Why did Wesley Autrey risk his life to safe a stranger?
Because it was a split-second decision. He says "I don't feel like I did anything spectacular; I just saw someone who needed help" "I did what I thought was right".
3. Why do you think Dalbir Singh returned the money to the passenger?
Because he was a very honest person and knew what was the right thing to do, and his honesty was rewarded because Singh was given a cash reward for his honesty
My experience helping a person.
I remember years ago in the terminal of Quito I was waiting for the bus that would bring me to San Gabriel and a lady with crutches sat next to me and she was carrying some suitcases and I decided to carry her bags to the bus, she thanked the bus driver and asked him to please give me a seat next to her and so I could help her in some things because her mobility was limited with crutches, before getting off she told me that I had been an angel in her life and thank you very much.
Book activities
The story I chose is, Homeless man returns $900 in a wallet, Kim Bogue, who works as a janitor, dropped the wrapped wallet in her lunch and thought she'd never see the money again. She prayed to God to help her get back the $900 she had been saving for a trip. A homeless man found $900 in a wallet in a dumpster, but returned it to the owner.
1) Why did Kim Bogue give the homeless man a reward?
because he wanted to reward his honesty and his ethical and moral values
2) Why did Wesley Autrey riks his life to save a stranger?
because it has great altruism, it implies selfless concern for others
3) Why do you think Dalbir Singh returned the money to the passenger?
because he is an honest person and has well-defined values since his childhood
One day a classmate had an accident so he had to be on crutches for several months, one day of physical education exams the teacher discretion if someone wanted to take the exam for the classmate who was on crutches and that was when his best friend offered to take the exam for him, everyone applauded him and he got an excellent grade for both of them.
Look at the headlines of the three news stories. In what way do you think the stories will be similar?
The three stories have something in common which is honesty and trustworthiness, this implies that all the people in these stories were reasonable and fair with the acts they carried out, they helped people selflessly and life will reward them
Cristian Fernando Espinosa Cevallos
ResponderBorrarA) The homeless man story, one day a homeless man was looking into the trash for food but something that he never tought that was going to happen in his life happened, he found a wallet with credit cards and 900 dollars in cash, but he never took that money, he decide to go to the near store and try to return the wallet, when he returned the wallet the store contact to the girl who was looking for the wallet and then she was very thankful with the homeless and she gave him back 100 dolars, she was very worried because she was saving the money to buy a ticket to go back to his country in Thailand.
1.- Because he had a good heart
2.- Because he saw someone who needed
3.- I think because this guy thinks about that something can happen to him and he realized what is the best action that he can do.
Today im going to tell about the story of my friend the name is Nicolas, he told me that he used to go to the markets with the intention to help people offering money or trying to take them to a center where someone else can help them with treatment and cares for this kind of people called homeless, he has a very good heart, he likes to help people in this way, Another good action is when he used to visit the rural areas and he used to go there and he used to give them food and things for the house like dishes or blankets , pillows.
Look at the headlines of the three news stories. In what way do you think the stories will be similar?
I just read the three acts of honestity,and humanity i think that this person who help to others they recive a good compensation for his help, but the important thing here is the act of humanity with other like the guy who was helping to the guy in the train station who fell into the rails, he never thing twice and he took the desicion to jump foward to rails and try to save the life of the other guy, for me was the most important action in the three paragraphs, nowadays there is a few people who cares about others, My tip for you is if we have the oportunity to help to other people is the perfect oportunity to show up to the word that we can change and we can be better.
Alondra Méndez
ResponderBorrarAfter having read the three readings I was able to realize that there are still people with great feelings, who are honest, kind, sincere, kind, willing to help. There are still people who walk away from bitterness, selfishness, hypocrisy and pride. They are people who console us, who make us believe that humanity is not lost, who help us regain faith in the possibility of regenerating a world corrupted by interests, lies and falsehood.
In an exemplary act of honesty, a homeless man finds a wallet with 900 and several credit cards that the owner accidentally threw away. The owner of the wallet hesitated to recover the wallet, however in the world there are still honest people as an example the homeless person a person without resources who could take the money without saying anything, had a big heart and gave it to the man who worked in the building and received a reward of 100, and was left with a clear conscience.
B) B. Interpret the information.
1. Why did Kim Bogue give the homeless man a bounty?
Because he returned his wallet without taking anything, he saw his honesty and courtesy.
2. Why did Wesley Autrey risk his life to save a stranger?
Since he is a good person, he would like them to do the same if he finds himself in that situation.
3. Why do you think Dalbir Singh returned the money to the passenger?
Because he is an honest person and it is part of his job.
C. Relate to personal experience
My grandmother has a store and one day when she was helping out, a man came in to shop and forgot her cell phone on a shelf. Then I realized and waited for them to call because we didn't know the man. He called and I told him that I have the phone and that he is at the store for him to come pick it up.
Because he founded her wallet with $900 and her credit cards, so when he returned thw wallet she decide to give him a reward.
Because the stranger was a young man of 20 years old who needs help.
-LOOK AT the headlines of the three news stories. In what way do you think the stories will be similar?
They are similar because in these stories and their headlines there are acts of honesty, humanity, and help towards others are mentioned and how these people who have helped have been rewarded for their good actions.
A. Summarize one of the articles. Close your book and tell the story in your own words.
ResponderBorrarHomeless Man Returns Wallet with $900: The homeless man found a wallet with $900 in the dump. The wallet is belonged to a women that She kept the money for travel a her city native (Thailand). The homeless searched the work of the woman for returned the wallet. The homeless given $100 of the reward, because he returned the wallet.
B. Discuss each person’s motives for his or her actions.
1. Why did Kim Bogue give the homeless man a reward?
Because the homeless man had a good acttitude and he was honest and didn’t take the money. He deserver the reward.
2. Why did Wesley Autrey risk his life to save a tranger?
Because Wesley is a person very friendly and I suposse that Wesley like to helping a others.
3. Why do you think Dalbir Singh returned the money to the passenger?
Because Dalbir is a person honest and She had the obligation to return the money, and thanks to that she has a reward.
C. Think of a story you have Heard about someone who helped a stranger in need. Tell it to the class.
In the high school, a girl had forgotten her wallet and her cell phone in the school chruch. But she when she realized it was too late and she didn't know where I had left it, and the school was closed. The next day, a other women had found the wallet and cell phone, she gave the wallet and cell phone to a teacher.
D. Look at the headlines of the three news stories. In what way do you think the stories will be similar?
The protagonists of the articles have honesty and like to help others.
ResponderBorrarA) One of the important acts and that caught my attention is what happened at the airport, an airport security agent took a bag forgotten by one of the travelers and looked for who it belonged to return it to, in this bag were three thousand dollars a which were returned to their owner and he rewarded the agent for this act of honesty.
B) Interpret Information
1.- Because Kim Bogue is a person with a good heart.
2.-Because he saw that someone needed help and that's why he did it.
3.- Because he is an honest person and likes to do good, I also think that he put himself in the place of the traveler and thought that he needed it or maybe that he got it with a lot of effort
C) Relate to personal experience:
My mom had a wholesale fruit warehouse and once a lady came to buy and she had forgotten a purse, and my mom kept it unopened because if she realized who it was, then the scared lady came back to look for it and my mom gave it back, the lady took out 100 dollars and gave it to my mom because she had had 5000 dollars in that purse, she thanked her very much and left very happy.
ResponderBorrarA) Summarize one of the articles . close your book and tell the story in your own words.
A person rushed to help a young man who had seizures and was lying on the train tracks, so he helped him and took him to a safe place, risking his life, the manisesto that when he saw the people he only thought to help you without caring about anything.
1-. Because he thought that he would never recover the lost wallet, however the homeless returned it to him for that reason he rewarded him for his honest action.
2-. Because he felt that helping him was the right thing to do regardless of the danger.
3-.Because he has values of honesty and he knew whose money it was because he saw when he dropped it and he decided to return.
C) Relate to personal experience think of a story you have heard about someone who helped a stranger in need tell it to the class.
My mom told me that one day at the bus stop she was talking to an unknown woman who was pregnant, after a few minutes the woman felt bad saying that her belly hurt, it hurt a lot that's why my mom helped him, she took him in a taxi to the hospital and kept an eye on the unknown woman. In my opinion it seemed like a very supportive act because my mother did not know her, however she helped him and was taking care of her.
What way do you think the stories will be similar?
In my opinion, the three stories are similar because they demonstrate the existence of good people with good values such as honesty, kindness and the desire to help that are represented in all three stories. In addition, these stories motivate us to be more honest and good people always with desire. to do good
A. SUMMARIZE Sumarize one of the articles. Close your book and tell the estory in your own words.
Kim Bogue had lost his wallet with 900 dollars inside, apparently when I throw the garbage by mistake I also throw his wallet with the money that would be to return to his country Thailand. luckily a homeless man who was searching through the garbage found the money and demonstrated his values especially honesty, he looked for a person working in the same place and returned everything, the owner of the wallet was shocked by the attitude of the vagabond and rewarded him with $100. He was sure someone else had seized the $900 and not returned it.
B. INTERPRET INFORMATION Discuss each person’s motives for his or her actions
1. Why did Kim Bogue give the homeless man a reward?
Becausee he had a Good heart, he was also grateful to the vagabond for returning the money that is very important to him.
2. Why did Wesley Autrey risk his life to sabe a stranger?
Because he saw someone who needed help, And he said that no matter who he is, he would help him because that's the right thing to do.
3. Why do you think Dalbir Singh returned the money to the Passenger?
because he has good values, I think he had a good education and knows that it is not right to harm others, what we should all do is support each other as he did.
C. REALTE TO PERSONAL EXPERIENCE Think of a story you have Heard about someone who helped a stranger in need. Tell it to the class.
When he was on public transport a woman forgot her phone, the man who collects the tickets noticed and immediately stopped the driver to give the phone to the owner.
In the three headlines each history can , but nevertheless, we can see some similarity because in each one the people show the honesty that they have on their hearts, each person show it in their own way.
ResponderBorrarA.- an incredible history to me was the " Man Risk life to Save Another"
i never belive that but i can hope it if the people have a good reason to save another and the risk is very high. In the New york city a student film fell between the track because of a seizure, but a hero came forward to save him, he rolled with the studen into a gap between the rails and covered him with his own body, ma n who save the student say "i don't feel like ai did something espectacular; i justa saw someone who needed help"
B.-Interpret Information
1.-Why did Kim Bougue give the homeless man a reward?
beacause he return hers wallet that she had throw in the dump
2.- Why did Wesley Autrey Risk his life to save a stranger?
Because he felt he should do the right thing
3-. why do you think Dalbir Singh returned the money to the passenger?
because he knew that money would be very useful to that person
C.- That a history that i lived, i worked in a taxi some years aago, and i see a old woman to needed a taxi to go home with the purchases of the week, so i offer to port her at home, so i affered to take her home, but it weas so far, and she haven't enough money, but i didn't give much importance to money and took her to her door without charging her.
Karol Stefany Morillo Criollo
ResponderBorrarAfter reading and seeing the images of the different articles, I conclude that all of us at some point have gone through a situation in which we must demonstrate our morality and courage to do the right thing, but I think that people receive what we give and yes we always act with the good and the truth with all people, we will always do well in life.
B. Interprete Information
1. Why did Kim Bogue give th homless man a reward?
He returns it because the man was offering a reward and since it was found in the trash, he decided to return it to him.
2. Why did Wesley Autrey risk his life to sabe a stranger?
Because it was the right thing to do and he was a person who always wanted to do good, so he decided to do the right thing.
3. Why do you think Dalbir Singh returned the money to the passenger?
Because since it belongs to a traveler, the gentleman must think that he has very important things that must be used by the traveler, including money because it may be the only money he has to travel.
C. Relate to personal experience.
A friend told me once that on the bus the lady who was sitting next to him forgot a bag with purchases so he also decided to get off the bus and follow the lady to return them.
ResponderBorrarA. SUMMARIZE
Man risks life to save another
The subway is one of the most used means of transportation in large cities, one day a 20-year-old was in the subway station, and suffered a seizure that made him fall onto the tracks, then a man went down to the tracks, and covered it. with his body while the subway passes over them, the 2 men were unharmed.
1. The Mr. Kim Bogue, in giving a reward to the homeless man who gave up his wallet
2. The lord risked his life for a stranger because he thought it was the right thing to do
3. Dalbir Singh returned the money because the right thing is to deliver things to their owner
I helped capture a house thief in the city of Quito call the police in the wee hours of the morning when I saw that a thief was trying to enter through a window of the house next door
ResponderBorrarFrom my point of view, the three readings are similar in the good deeds of people who are willing to give their best, helping the most needy.
I chose the article ¨an act of honesty by the airport inspector¨, since I found it very emotional and interesting, as an Indira Gandhi international airport security agent handed a small plastic bag containing $3000 in cash to a passenger who had completely forgot the bag after going through a paint check.
1. Because he helped someone without receiving anything in return, not everyone would have returned but he did.
2. Because he felt it and decided to make him help the boy.
3. Because it was an act of honesty and that is why he received a reward for his good deed.
A month ago, leaving the mall, a man dropped his wallet and immediately ran to pick it up, and I approached him and told him, sir, he dropped this when he looked me in the eye, I told myself what a pure heart, thank you very much, my beauty, and for my act honestly he wanted to give me 100 dollars which I did not accept, because I did not do it with the intention of receiving something in return I bless myself and left, but life is so unexpected that I met him again and he is the owner of the company in where I work now and I feel super blessed.
Alex Chasiluisa
ResponderBorrarAfter reading the 3 articles on page 118, I come to the conclusion that there are still people who have values such as respect and honesty.
Precisely I will talk about the article in which the "homeless" found the wallet with the money, it was an act of honesty too great, since he being a person of low income decided to return the money to its owner, he approached the building where the wallet worked, and thanks to his generosity and honesty was rewarded with $ 100. Anyone else would have taken the wallet with the money inside.
- Why did Kim Bogue give the homeless man a reward?
She gave him a reward of $100 for his honesty and returning the $900 in the wallet to its owner.
- Why did Wesley Autrey risk his life to know a stranger?
A very good person who seeks to help others without expecting to receive a reward.
- Why do you think Dalbir Singh returned the money to the passanger?
He has values and it was wrong for him to hurt another person in that way, as the saying goes: Don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you.
The story of my grandmother who helped a person of low income, not specifically monetarily, but she helped him by offering him a job which he accepted and today he is doing well financially.
ResponderBorrarA homeless man found a wallet with 900 dollars, this man return the wallet to Mr. Kim Bogue who thought that he wouldn't find it. As a reward he gave to homeless man 100 dollars
1) Because the homeless man was honest, and he didn't have money
2) Because he is a good person, he knows that all people are the same. likes to help others
3) Because is honest and he knows that you have to work hard to get the money
Once, I found a wallet with money and documents, later , I found a owner of this wallet and I returned his wallet. He gave me a reward
D) Look at the headlines of the three news stories. In what way do you think the stories will be similar?
These three stories are similar because showed me acts of goodness and is wonderful because there good and honest people
All three stories are amazing, they are about moral dilemmas of people who have saved other people's lives. Reading the stories makes me realize that there are good people in the world too, and it fills me with hope for a better world. In the case of the homeless man who found the wallet with the money, despite his case of extreme poverty he went to return the wallet with the full money to the owner, I can imagine the satisfaction of that man after having done something good for someone. In the case of the man who saved another in a situation of death, I consider it a heroic act, there are few people who even risk their lives to save others from extreme situations. In the case of the man who returned the money at the airport, it was an honest act and shows that there can always be good people around us.
ResponderBorrarThe story I liked the most is the one in box number one. It happened in California, where a homeless man who was looking through the trash to recycle found a wallet with $900 and credit cards. Days later he found the wallet's owner, who worked near the place where the homeless man found the wallet. It was an amazing story because even though the homeless man could have taken the wallet with the money, he chose to look for the owner and return it to the owner.
1. Because the own recognized the honesty, and for having found the wallet that the man.
2. Because he thinks this man need help.
3. Because the money didn’t belong to him
Well, I have a good experience, one day I was at the university. When I got there there was a pink wallet, I assumed someone forgot, because there was no one near that place, so I took the wallet and went to leave it in the booth where the security guards, so that the owner can come and pick it up